베르타 알프리다 코스트럽 Kostrup, Bertha Alfrida

베르타 알프리다 코스트럽 Kostrup, Bertha Alfrida


Ⅰ. 기본사항1)

이름: Kostrup, Bertha Alfrida / 코스트럽 / 한국명: 고수도(高壽道)
1. 생몰연도: 1889. 11. 18. - ?
2. 출신 및 소속: 미국, 북감리교
3. 한국선교기간: 1922-1940
4. 연표
1889. 11. 18. 덴마크 코펜하겐 출생.
1916. 미감리회 소속 필리핀 선교사로 파송.
1922. 한국선교사로 내한. 지방순회하며 아동진료, 공중위생계몽과 복음전도에 매진.
1923. 인천부인병원(제물포 부인진료소) 책임자로 근무.
1924. 아동보건소 개설.
1931. 인천부인병원 신축(현 인천기독병원).
1940. 일제의 의해 강제송환. 귀국 후 캘리포니아 거주.
5. 가족사항: 없음.

II. 선교사 소개

1. 필리핀으로부터 한국에 온 덴마크 간호 선교사

Kostrup은 1889년 11월 18일 덴마크 코펜하겐에서 태어났다. 이후 간호사가 된 그녀는 의료선교사로 자원하여 1916년 미 감리회 해외여선교회에서 파송을 받아 필리핀에서 선교사역을 감당하였다. 그러던 중 1922년 한국으로 파송받는다. 내한 후 한국에서 의료사역을 감당하던 Rosetta Hall을 도와 제물포에 정착하여 선교사역을 감당한다. 당시 제물포에는 선교사들이 사용하던 여선교사 합숙소가 있었기 때문에 Kostrup 또한 합숙소에서 지낼 수 있었다.2)

2. 제물포 의료사역의 주역이 된 선교사

1923년 Kostrup은 인천부인병원(제물포 부인진료소)의 책임자가 되었다. 그녀는 시내 중심가에 마련된 부인병원을 중심으로 의료활동을 전개하면서 지방을 순회하며 아동진료, 공중위생계몽과 함께 복음 전도에 매진하였다. 1924년 6월에는 아동보건소를 개설하여 아동 및 어머니를 대상으로 한 보건사업을 전개한다.3)

3. 인천에서 현대식 병원을 시작하다

제물포 부인진료소를 찾는 환자가 한 해에 5,000여 명에 달하면서 병원신축의 필요성이 요구되었다. 이에 미국 의료사업회의 도움으로 1931년 입원실을 갖춘 현대식 병원 건물을 마련하였다. 의사 간호사 각 한 명이었던 병원 직원도 1938년에는 코스트럽 외 여의사 2명 간호사 2명 전도부인 1명, 잡부 1명으로 늘었다. 이 해에만 유아진료소에 등록된 어린이가 300명이었으며, 진료환자는 12,000여 명에 달했다.4) 감리교 여성사 기록에 의하면 환자들이 진료를 기다릴 때 전도부인은 이들에게 다가가 복음을 전했으며, 환자들이 요청할 경우에는 가정을 심방하여 예배를 드리기도 했다.5)

4. 일제에 의해 더 이상 한국을 섬길 수 없게 되었다

그러던 중 2차 대전의 발발로 일제의 기독교 탄압이 강해지면서 1940년 Kostrup은 강제송환되어 미국으로 귀환한다. 그녀는 이 후 다시 한국으로 돌아오지 않고 캘리포니아에 거주하였다. 태평양전쟁이 발발하면서 일본 정부는 미국 선교회 소유인 인천부인병원 건물을 적산으로 몰수하여 접대부 검문소로 사용했다. 이후 1952년 5월 26일 인천기독병원으로 재개원한다.6)

III. 기타자료

1956년 인천 기독병원 전경7)

1926. 코스트럽 선교사 편지 전문8)

Dear Friend
Your interest in this work has been so genuine, that since you have asked how it is prospering I gladly take this opportunity of assuring you, that the chemulpo Public Welfare work is still on the map. I can't tell you of great and wonderful things done, but, the doctor, the nurse and I each have tried to do the part that fell to us, and have prayed that God would add his blessing to even the smaIIest and most insignificant service we should render.
You know that a big part of my work is going out in the country, treating the sick and teaching the mothers the simplest rules of hygiene. Last fall I went with Miss Hess, visiting aImost every church on the islands. word of our coming preceeded us, so all the sick folks who could walk to the church Were there, and I treated them if possible, and advised them what to do in order to get well. My greatest problem has been taking enough medicine along. It seems, no matter how much I may have brought, it would run out.
One woman on the Samsan circuit heard I was coming, so taking the baby on her back, she walked several miles over a high mountain, arriving at Tolmoro that evening. The poor baby had been treated by an old-fashioned Korean doctor. Long needles had been stuck in his little knee, which was badly swollen, so be was simply scared to death when he saw me and yelled and kicked his protests. I examined the knee and as it did not look very hopeful, advised their taking the baby to Severance Hospital for examination and possible treatment. When the mother heard that, she looked so sad and said, "Then my baby will be a cripple, for we have no money." She begged me for medicine, to at least try if he could be helped, so I gave her some ointment. I asked the pastor to report to me how the child got along, for I had decided, if he did not get better, that he should have the needed treatment.
I saw so many of these cases, that could easily be helped if we only had the money to pay for their treatment, as they themselves had absolutely nothing. The last report from there was the good news that the child got well. It is surprising how often the little medicine given, produces such great results not only physically but spiritually. In one village on Kangwha several people have been greatly helped through our medical work and for that reason many have come to believe on Christ.
At first I worried some about giving out medicine and then leaving without being able to follow up the cases, but I made it a subject of prayer and God has surely added his blessing to this work, for reports have come from most of the places visited, that many Were cured and still others much improved.
The last time I went to the country, I visited three places, treated more than 150 patients, especially women and children, gave health lectures which were attended by from two to threc hundred women and probably as many big boys and girls. You would have enjoyed seeing their interest, as they listened attentively to my explanations of the charts, even in my imperfect language, and they answered right up, when asked questions. I stayed in one home where a small child had malaria. The older sister said to her mother, "Let US put up our mosquito net." She had gotten the idea.
I have hesitated in starting any milk-station work. I didn't have the money and our dispensary is not arranged suitably for such work, but a poor little baby was brought to us with a badly infected mouth and sores all over its body. Tho she was five months old she weighed but seven pounds. The mother was unable to nurse the baby and had no money with which to buy suitable food, so in order to save the child's life we must make a try at it. This was almost two months ago and little Oh Moki is now very much alive. She weighs 9lbs. and is really a very pretty baby and instead of crying, she gives us many a sweet smile.
Our Baby Welfare clinIcs are growing, but because the building can not be heated adequately during the winter, the work practically stops for three months and it is hard to get started again. We have no place in which to gather the women for lectures and meetings, so if the work is to continue to grow, we must have a new building and to this end We are praying.
The Kangwha city clinic has grown remarkably and the mothers there seem especially attentive and anxious to learn. In fact, everywhere there is a desire to learn how to protect the children from disease. Of course all are not equally interesed and I sometimes get discouraged, but I try to remember their centuries of ignorance and I feel certain, that as we continue to teach Korean motherhood, they will come to realize more and more that a healthy body is an absolute necessity for a healthy spiritual growth.
I don't know if you care to hear numbers, but here are a few. There were 2,079 patients treated in the dispensary during this past year and 165 outcalls were made. Children treated in the school dispensary and patients treated out in the country numbered 3,163.
More than half of our work has been free work. I don't really see where the money came from, but God has supplied our needs as they arose. One thing' that greatly encouraged me, was the gift of 50yen from the Parent Association of our girls' school. It showed that they saw the value of having their chIdren looked after physically as well as mentally.
So I have had many things to be thankful for in the past year and I am hoping to See still greater things accomplished in the coming year, by the manifestation of God's power in the healing of the sick who come to our Chemulpo W oman's Hospital and whom we meet over the Chemulpo District.

IV. 참고문헌

[단행본 및 논문]

- 김승태& 박혜진. 『내한 선교사 총람 1884~1984』 . 서울: 한국기독교역사연구소, 1994.
- 김흥수. 『내한선교사 총람(수정 증보판)』. 서울: 한국기독교역사연구소, 2007.
- 이꽃메, 김화중. “일제 강점기 선교회의 보건간호사업에 대한 역사적 연구.” 「지역사회간호학회지」 제10권 제2호 (1999): 455-466.
- 이만열. 『한국기독교의료사』. 서울: 아카넷, 2003.
- 기독교대백과사전편찬위원. 『기독교백과 14권』. 서울: 기독교문사, 1984.


- “Danish Family Search” <> 출생일, 세례일.
- “한반도 선교의 전진기지 ‘남녀 선교사 선교 합숙소.’” 인천시인터넷신문(2013년 9월 26일). <http://enews.incheon.go.kr:9080/publish/php/articleview.php?idx=9177&diaryDate=2013-09-26>.
- 감리교 역사자료정보실. <https://his.kmc.or.kr/foreign-missionaries/43731?page=26>.
- “‘감리교회 병원’ 다시 기대하는 것이 꿈같은 일일까?” 기독교타임즈(2019년 4월 10일). <https://www.kmctimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=52882>.
- “인천 기독병원 100년, 로제타 홀을 기억합니다,” 기독교타임즈(2019년 3월 27일). <https://www.kmctimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=52766>.
- twenty-eighth annual report of korea woman’s conference of methodist episcopal church. <https://divdl.library.yale.edu/divinitycontent/dayrep/Methodist%20Episcopal%20Church.%20Korea%20Woman's%20Conference%201925-1926%20v28.pdf>.



1) 김승태․박혜진, 『내한 선교사 총람 1884~1984』 (서울: 한국기독교역사연구소, 1994), 337.
2) “한반도 선교의 전진기지 ‘남녀 선교사 선교 합숙소.’” 인천시인터넷신문(2013년 9월 26일). <http://enews.incheon.go.kr:9080/publish/php/articleview.php?idx=9177&diaryDate=2013-09-26>.
3) 이꽃메& 김화중, “일제 강점기 선교회의 보건간호사업에 대한 역사적 연구,” 「지역사회간호학회지」 제10권 제2호 (1999), 463 재인용.
4) 이만열,『한국기독교의료사』(서울: 아카넷, 2003), 701.
5) “‘감리교회 병원’ 다시 기대하는 것이 꿈같은 일일까?” 기독교타임즈(2019년 4월 10일). <https://www.kmctimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=52882>.
6) “‘감리교회 병원’ 다시 기대하는 것이 꿈같은 일일까?” 기독교타임즈(2019년 4월 10일). <https://www.kmctimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=52882>.
7) “인천 기독병원 100년, 로제타 홀을 기억합니다,” 기독교타임즈(2019년 3월 27일). <https://www.kmctimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=52766>.
** 한국기독교사연구소 오헌 실장 정리 **
  • 기자명 한국기독교사연구소
  • 입력 2020.03.03 15:34
  • 수정 2022.02.15 14:42
  • 댓글 0
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